
We report the investigations of specific heat, thermal conductivity, as well as thermoelectric power on the charge-density-wave ~CDW! compound Lu5Ir4Si10 as a function of temperature. All thermal measurements consistently exhibit anomalous features around the CDW transition temperature To;80 K. Although the observations can be associated with the CDW formation, the measured anomalies are significantly large, in contrast to those in weak-coupled CDW materials. A quantitative analysis for the specific-heat data near the fluctuation region yields a critical exponent a;2, much larger than the predicted value a50.5 in the extended mean-field theory assuming three-dimensional fluctuations. We also obtained a ratio g*/g58.4, a factor of 6 larger than the BCS value 1.43 in the weak-coupling limit, indicating a strong coupling of this phase transition. Besides, the observed giant excess specific heat DCp /Cp;26% and thermal conductivity Dk/k;15% at To further support this strong-coupling scenario. These large enhancements in Cp and k are attributed to the results of substantially thermal excitation and heat carried by the soft phonons at the transition. In addition, a rapid change in the sign of thermoelectric power at To was observed, which provides a better understanding of the evolution of electronic band structure of the system below and above the CDW formation.

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