
This paper describes the synthesis and thermal properties in solution and bulk of poly(2-alkyl-oxazoline)s (PAOx) containing a methyl ester side chain. Homopolymers of 2-methoxycarbonylethyl-2-oxazoline (MestOx) and 2-methoxycarbonylpropyl-2-oxazoline (C3MestOx), as well as copolymers with 2-ethyl-2-oxazoline (EtOx) and 2-n-propyl-2-oxazoline (nPropOx), with systematic variations in composition were prepared. The investigation of the solution properties of these polymers revealed that the cloud point temperatures (TCPs) could be tuned in between 24 °C and 108 °C by variation of the PAOx composition. To the best of our knowledge, the TCPs of PMestOx and PC3MestOx are reported for the first time and they closely resemble the TCPs of PEtOx and PnPropOx, respectively, indicating similar hydrophilicity of the methyl ester and alkyl side chains. Furthermore, the thermal transitions and thermal stability of these polymers were investigated by DSC and TGA measurements, respectively, revealing amorphous polymers with glass transition temperatures between -1 °C and 54 °C that are thermally stable up to >300 °C.


  • Smart polymeric materials can change their physical properties in response to external stimuli, such as temperature, ionic strength, pH, chemical and biological stimuli, light or electromagnetic radiation [1,2,3]

  • Other classes of thermoresponsive polymers that have emerged in recent years are for example poly(oligo ethylene glycol acrylate)s [2,6], polyisocyanopeptides grafted with oligo(ethylene glycol) side chains [7,8,9], poly(2-oxazine)s [10] and poly(2-oxazoline)s [3,5,11,12,13,14,15,16,17]

  • Series of homopolymers and copolymers of EtOx and nPropOx with MestOx and C3MestOx were prepared [37,38] with varying feed ratios o2f 01000, 20, 30, 50, and 70 mol % MestOx or C3MestOx and a constant monomer to initiator ratio of [M]/[I] = 100, yielding four sets of copolymers

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Smart polymeric materials can change their physical properties in response to external stimuli, such as temperature, ionic strength, pH, chemical and biological stimuli, light or electromagnetic radiation [1,2,3]. MMeetthhyyll eesstteerrss aarree eessppeecciiaallllyy iinntteerreessttiinngg,, bbeeccaauussee tthheeyy ccaann uunnddeerrggoo aa ddiirreecctt aammiiddaattiioonn wwiitthh aa vvaarriieettyy ooff aammiinneess ttoo eeaassiillyy iinnttrroodduuccee ootthheerr ffuunnccttiioonnaall ggrroouuppss ssuucchh aass aallccoohhoollss,, hhyyddrraazziiddee aanndd aammiinneess [[3399––4422]].. ((AA)) CCaattiioonniicc rriinngg--ooppeenniinngg ppoollyymmeerriissaattiioonn ooff 22--ooxxaazzoolliinneess wwiitthh mmeetthhyyll pp--ttoolluueenneessuullffoonnaattee aass iinniittiiaattoorr aanndd ppiippeerriiddiinnee aass tteerrmmiinnaattiinngg aaggeenntt aanndd ((BB)) MMoonnoommeerr ssttrruuccttuurreess ooff EEttOOxx ((11)),, nnPPrrooppOOxx ((22)),, MMeessttOOxx ((33)) aanndd CC33MMeessttOOxx ((44))..

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