
The Thermal mirror technique relies on measuring laser-induced nanoscale surface deformation of a solid sample. The amplitude of the effect is directly dependent on the optical absorption and linear thermal expansion coefficients, and the time evolution depends on the heat diffusion properties of the sample. Measurement of transient signals provide direct access to thermal, optical and mechanical properties of the material. The theoretical models describing this effect can be formulated for very low optical absorbing and for absorbing materials. In addition, the theories describing the effect apply for semi-infinite and finite samples. In this work, we apply the Thermal mirror technique to measure physical properties of optical glasses. The semi-infinite and finite models are used to investigate very low optical absorbing glasses. The thickness limit for which the semi-infinite model retrieves the correct values of the thermal diffusivity and amplitude of the transient is obtained using the finite description. This procedure is also employed on absorbing glasses, and the semi-infinite Beer–Lambert law model is used to analyze the experimental data. The experimental data show the need to use the finite model for samples with very low bulk absorption coefficients and thicknesses L<1.5mm. This analysis helped to establish limit values of thickness for which the semi-infinite model for absorbing materials could be used, L>1.0mm in this case. In addition, the physical properties of the samples were calculated and absolute values derived.

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