
The Mini Labyrinth experiment is a neutron and gamma shielding experiment constructed at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STU). The STU Mini Labyrinth consists of NEUTRONSTOP shielding, blocks of moderators, various neutron sources, a graphite prism, and the detector handling robot. It was designed for research and education purposes, while several experiments are also available online or a hybrid form. There have been several versions of the Mini Labyrinth developed, while currently the V3 version is available. This paper presents the methodology to effectively perform thermal and fast neutron measurements using a PuBe neutron source. In the experiment presented in this paper also active and passive detectors were used, and moderator materials were investigated to slightly shift the neutron spectrum. As for active detectors, the SNM-11 boron coated corona detector was used. Among passive detectors the CR-39 track detectors were investigated. The measurements were carried out in two configurations and the results were evaluated by simulations using the SCALE6 system

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