Summary: Theinventioninthispatentapplicationisrelatedtonaphthylsulfonamidepyrrolidinederivativesrepresentedgenerallybyformula(I). ThesecompoundsareKeap-1modulatorsandmaybeusefulforthepreventionand/ortreatmentofdiabetes,obesity,dyslipidemia, and related disorders as well as neuroinflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and Huntington’s disease. The transcription factor nuclearfactor erythroid2 p45 (NF-E2)-related factor (Nrf2) is a cellular sensor ofoxidative and electrophilic stress. It is a member of the Cap ‘n’ collar family of basic leucine zipper transcription factors, and it is critical for the expression of severalcytoprotectivegenes.Nrf2isregulatedbytheKelch-likeECH-associatedprotein1(Keap-1),whichisanadaptorproteinof the cullin 3-dependent ubiquitin E3 ligase complex. Keap-1 contains functional domains, including a broad complex/tramtrack/ Bric-a-Brac (BTB) domain, an intervening region (IVR) domain, and a Kelch domain. Ubiquitin is the original member of a family of small proteins, which are found in most cellular tissues in the human body that help in regulating the processes of other cellular proteins. Ubiquitin and other relative molecules add covalently to cellular proteins in a process known as ubiquitinylation that alters their activities and the functions. This process plays a critical role in apoptosis of proteinsaswell asin severalothercellularprocesses relatedtothe regulationofproteins.Keap-1mediatesthe ubiquitinylationand subsequentdegradationofNrf2bythe26Sproteasome.Inthisinteraction,theKelchdomainonaKeap-1homodimerbindstothe DLGandETGEsequencemotivesofNrf2molecule.TheKeap-1BTBdomaincontainsacysteineresidueatthe151position,while theIVRdomaincontainstwocysteineresidues,Cys273andCys288.WhileKeap-1hasothercysteineresidues,thesethreeresidues arehighlyreactiveandplaycriticalrolesinstresssensing.Theyaremodifiedinresponsetooxidativestressorelectrophilicreagents, and that alters the conformation of Keap-1, inhibits its function, and prevents the degradation of Nrf2. This leads to the translocation of Nrf2 into the nucleus and its subsequent activation. Nrf2 binds to the antioxidant response element (ARE) in the nucleusanddrivestheexpressionofNrf2targetgenessuchasNAD(P)Hquinoneoxidoreductase1(NQO1)andhemeoxygenase 1 (HMOX1), which are upregulated by the activation of Nrf2. The activation of Nrf2 may provide a potential therapy for the prevention and treatment of several diseases associated with increased oxidative and inflammatory stress. For example, diabetes is associated with impaired activation of Nrf2, which causes a reduced oxidative-stress defense. Diabetes is also associated with low-grade inflammation. Inflammatory processes and excessive oxidative stress induce insulin resistance, endothelial dysfunction, and diabetic nephropathy. Therefore, pharmacological activation of Nrf2 may potentially improve glucose control and lipid handling as well as micro- and macrocardiovascular disease in diabetics. In addition, the activation of Nrf2 reduces cellular stress and damage in response to xenobiotics, which could be useful for the prevention of cancer. Since excessive production of reactive oxidative species is implicated in neurodegenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Huntington’s and Parkinson’s disease; therefore, the activation of Nrf2 may also provide a potential therapeutic strategy for these diseases. Therefore, targeting Nrf2 may also be useful in treating chronic inflammatory diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, arthritis, and sepsis. The modulators of KEAP-1, particularly those with antagonistic activities, such as the compounds of formula (I) described in this patent application can lead to activation of Nrf2 and may potentially provide therapies for the prevention and/or treatment of diabetes, obesity, dyslipidemia, and other related disorders.
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