
Introduction: Data from National Mental Health Survey (NMHS) of India-2016 revealed that the prevalence of mental disorders in India is 13.7%. The prevalence of other mental disorders like anxiety, depression, substance use etc. was found 10% of the population, nearly twice more in urban metros and with significant gender differences. The available treatment options are based on symptoms severity. Thus, integrated care models are required to tackle the condition. Shirodhara, one of the classical treatments is being practiced since years to cure mental health conditions among individuals. This study was planned to review the effects of Shirodhara on mental health conditions. Materials and Methods: A review was conducted using (Shirodhara) AND (Anxiety OR Depressive Disorder OR Depression OR Stress OR Mental Health OR Mental Disorders OR Sleep) as keywords. The articles with full paper, in English language and published during last 10 years were considered for the review. Observations and Results: In the present review, total 5 Studies were found to be eligible and thus were included. The mental health condition of the patients was significantly improved in overall all the groups of the included trials. The effects are more prominent in comparative groups where Shirodhara has been used in combination or in addition with oral medications as compared to alone therapy. It is also observed that Cognitive functions, executive memory, sleep quality and quality of life were better improved with add on Shirodhara therapy. Discussion: Mano-Vikara are mostly explained under Vata-Nanatmaja Vikara and of Vata and Pitta Dusthi Lakshan. Shirodhara is one of the best remedy of pacifying the abnormal Vata Doshas as per classics. No severe adverse events were reported in any of the five trials, but minor adverse events were reported by four participants in one trial. Conclusion: Shirodhara is beneficial in improving mental health conditions. Hence, it can be used as one of the integrated treatment modality so as to encourage the multilevel approach with a solution of improving mental health conditions and quality of life of the people.

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