
We theoretically study potential unconventional superconductivity in doped $AB$-type IV-VI semiconductors, based on a minimal effective model with interaction up to the next-nearest neighbors. According to the experimental implications, we focus on the spin-triplet channels and obtain the superconducting phase diagram with respect to the anisotropy of the Fermi surfaces and the interaction strength. Abundant nodal and nodeless states with different symmetry breaking appear in the phase diagram, and all the states are time-reversal invariant and topologically nontrivial. Specifically, the various nodal superconducting ground states, dubbed as the topological Dirac superconductors, are featured by Dirac nodes in the bulk and Majorana arcs on the surface; among the full-gap states, there exist a mirror-symmetry-protected second-order topological superconductor state favoring helical Majorana hinge cones, and different first-order topological superconductor states supporting four surface Majorana cones. The experimental verification of the different kinds of superconducting ground states is also discussed.

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