
The study is focused on clarifying the essence of the concept “patriotic education” and highlighting the state of high school students’ patriotic education in modern Ukraine. The design of the study is descriptive, exploiting a set of theoretical methods (analysis, systematization and generalization of philosophical, pedagogical and psychological literature on the issue under scrutiny to determine its theoretical foundations as well as the essence and content of basic notions – “patriotism”, “patriotic education”). Academic approaches (historical, systematic, personality-oriented, competence-based, activity-based) and main principles of modern patriotic education of high school students (national orientation, humanization of the educational process, self-movement, integrity, continuity, cultural conformity, pedagogical competent provision, stimulation, multiculturalism, social conformity) are considered. It is stated that patriotic education should be carried out comprehensively, in the unity of all the constituents of the Ukrainian state (the joint efforts of public administration bodies, educational institutions, families, public organizations and associations, the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other law enforcement agencies). With this regard the subject “Defense of Ukraine” has been implemented into Ukrainian high school, the specifics of which are highlighted. Key words: patriotic education, patriotism, citizenship, high school students, academic approaches, academic principles, general secondary education.

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