
In this article, we present the abstract theorem and the feasibility for the implementation of the technological justification of the structural concept for track railway line objects using the expert system. Railway construction as a complex dynamic system requires certain resources for maintaining it. At the same time, it is characterized by the use of new, more advanced design solutions, materials, and technologies, the performers’ specialization development, and the attendant large number of participants in the technological process. Key role in these conditions gets effective standard operating procedures control, procedures that performed during the railway facilities construction. This can be achieved by improving the existing engineering and technical support system for railway construction by introducing an engineering and intellectual support subsystem for the technological processes of railway facilities construction. One of the tasks of technological processes engineering and intellectual support is the effective use of automated systems with artificial intelligence elements. Creation and implementation of automated systems with artificial intelligence elements are focused on achieving a single final result: a finished railway track facility of the corresponding functional purpose within the established deadlines planned prime cost and labor contribution and also up to date safety requirements throughout the entire operation period. Within the scope of the methodology formation for engineering and intellectual support of railway construction technological processes, the stages of constructive solutions technological substantiation for railway objects were considered, and the railway construction technological features were determined. The procedure for the railway track object decomposition into structural elements is described here. The results obtained at the decomposition stage made it possible to determine the possibilities of using expert systems to develop a technological process for the railway track object construction. With account taken of special factors relating to formalization series of tasks at hand. By the aid of the expert system, which was built based on the knowledge representation production model, was developed and described methodology for generating a construction works nomenclature. Based on theoretical research results, practical aspects of the technological substantiation implementation of design solutions using an expert system were presented here through the example of the railway roadbed flooded carn construction. During dissertation research done by the author, were obtained results that were presented in this article.


  • Железнодорожное строительство (ЖДС) представляет собой сложную динамическую систему, требующую определенных затрат ресурсов на свое обслуживание

  • Sustainable Decision-Making in Civil Engineering, Construction and Building Technology / E

  • Универсальный искусственный интеллект и экспертные системы / В.Н

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Железнодорожное строительство (ЖДС) представляет собой сложную динамическую систему, требующую определенных затрат ресурсов на свое обслуживание. Вто же время появление в ЖДС, с одной стороны, новых, более совершенных конструктивных решений (КР), материалов и технологий, а с другой – повышение требований к качеству и безопасности исполнения ТП, вынуждает СПО внедрять автоматизированные системы в свою деятельность для обеспечения собственной рентабельности. И его можно достигнуть путем совершенствования существующей системы ИТС ЖДС за счет внедрения подсистемы инженерно-интеллектуального обеспечения ТП (ИИОТП) строительства ОЖДП [4]. Интеллектуализация технологического обоснования КР ОЖДП предполагает разработку расчетно-логических моделей, основанных на методах ИИ, для решения определенного круга задач, как правило, трудноформализуемых, характеризующих творческие аспекты исследуемой проблемы [2; 6,7,8]. Сочетание расчетных и расчетно-логических моделей при решении задач разработки ТП должно лечь в основу ИИОТП строительства ОЖДП. Theoretical foundations of technological justification intellectualization of railway construction entity structural concept

Technological peculiarities of the railway track construction
Railway track object decomposition into structural elements
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