
Detailed calculations on the electronic states of dibromocarbene (CBr2) herein are presented. First, the spectroscopic properties of the electronic states including geometry parameters, harmonic vibrational frequencies and transition energies of the lowest electronic states of the neutral radical were calculated in detail using the internally contracted multireference configuration interaction methods including Davidson correction (icMRCI+Q) with correlation consistent basis sets of aug-cc-pVXZ (X = T, Q, 5). Second, as CBr2 including two Br atoms, the Spin-Orbit Coupling (SOC) effect on the spectroscopic parameters and the one-dimensional cuts of the potential energy surface (PESs) of the lowest three states were studied. The barrier to linearity and dissociation of the singlet state were discussed. Third, the one-dimensional cuts along with the vertical transition energy (VTE), the oscillator strength, and so on of the electronic states related to the several lowest dissociation limits of CBr2 were calculated at the icMRCI+Q/aug-cc-pVTZ level. Based on the computed results of the electronic states of the radical, the photodissociation mechanism in the UV region were discussed in detail. The ab initio calculations are compared with the previous theoretical and experimental data and are in good agreement. The present work will provide a comprehensive understanding on the electronic structures and dissociation dynamics for the electronic states of the CBr2 radical.

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