
We employ the internally contracted multireference configuration interaction (icMRCI-F12) with Davidson corrections to explore the electronic states of monobromosilylene molecules (HSiBr). A total of 20 states with energy up to 8.7 eV and the corresponding 50 states after taking the spin-orbit coupling (SOC) effects into account are investigated. The spectroscopic constants of the low-lying states, as well as oscillator strengths, vertical transition energies and potential energy curves (PECs) for all the 20 spin-free states and the 50 spin-orbit-coupled states of HSiBr are presented. The results indicate that the SOC effect significantly affects the dissociation pathways and the PECs of electronic excited states of HSiBr. Based on our calculation results, the interactions between the states and the dissociation of HSiBr in the UV region are discussed. Our study sheds some light on the complex interactions and dynamics of the electronic excited states of HSiBr, which would provide valuable information for future experimental investigations.

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