
The cascade decay processes from the 1s-core-hole state of Ar ion have been studied theoretically via straightforward construction of de-excitation trees and high-accuracy level-to-level calculations using the flexible atomic code (FAC). The final charge state distribution (FCSD), contributions of different cascade routes to the FCSD, and the main production pathways of each Ari+ ion which are never discussed before are analyzed carefully. It is found that the de-excitation processes is very complex and Auger decay is the predominant channel, the most probable final charge state is 4, while Ar+ to Ar6+ ions can be produced in the 5-step Auger cascade decay processes for Ar+1s−1 hole state. Ar+ is mainly derived from KM23 channel, Ar2+ is associated mainly with KL23 channel, when Ar3+, Ar4+, Ar5+ and Ar6+ions are mainly coming from KL23M23, KL23L23, KL1L23 and KL1L1 channels, respectively. Present studies would be helpful for further researches on the cascade decay processes of deep inner-shell hole states, and for the interaction between x-ray free-electron lasers and matter.

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