This study presents the energy density equivalence equation, demonstrating that the strain energy density of an arbitrary representative volume element (RVE) under a complex stress state equals to that under a uniaxial stress state when volume change is neglected. Based on the developed median-energy–density equivalence method, the analytical solution for equivalent stress of the RVE at the energy density equivalence point in power-law plastic materials is derived in a new method and the concept of stress factor is proposed. Additionally, novel special functions are introduced to accurately describe the angular distributions of stresses in this study. By combining the stress factor, integral theoretical solutions for mode-I crack tip stress fields in power-law plastic materials under finite plane conditions are proposed. Finally, parameterized studies are conducted on bending and tension specimens under plane-strain and plane-stress conditions. The results of stress distributions and contour lines predicted by the integral theoretical solutions are compared with the finite element analysis and HRR solutions for five mode-I plane specimens, providing verification of the solutions’ applicability.
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