
A money loan agreement is an independent type of civil law contract. It is described by one-sided obligations of the parties, reality, dispositive payment, and dispositive urgency. The paper provides a comprehensive study of the loan agreement, in particular the money loan agreement, solving theoretical and practical problems of legal regulation of the institution of loan obligations. The analysis of judicial practice and civil law legislation of Ukraine regulating the institution of credit is carried out. The genesis of the concept and features of the development of loan relations and the money loan agreement, its correlation with the loan agreement, are clarified. Based on the conducted research, theoretical conclusions are formulated and proposals are developed to improve the legal regulation of relations arising based on a loan agreement. It was stated that since the adoption of the European integration course by Ukraine, relations are increasingly developing, based on which loan agreements and credit agreements in particular are concluded. To overcome differences in their application, it is necessary to provide the loan agreement with the Civil Code of Ukraine with positive legal regulation so as not to apply the reference rules that relate to the loan agreement.

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