
The thermodynamic properties, i.e. free energy of mixing (GM), heat of mixing (HM), entropy of mixing (SM) and activity (ai) of the component i (i , and structural property i.e. concentration fluctuations in long wave-length limit [Scc(0)] of In-Tl binary liquid alloy at a specified temperature have been investigated in the framework of quasi-lattice model on assuming the coupled effect of size ratio and entropic (or energetic) as well as enthalpic effect. These properties of In-Tl liquid alloy at 723 K have been computed theoretically by estimating the best fit value of order energy parameter (W) and size ratio () over the entire range of concentration in order to match their experimental values. The best fit value of W at 723 K has been used to determine the values of W at different temperatures with the help of temperature derivative of W which are then used for the optimization procedure in order to calculate the corresponding values of excess free energy of mixing, partial excess free energy of mixing and activity of the components involved in the alloy at different temperatures. These parameters have been used to investigate the concentration fluctuations in long wavelength limit {Scc(0)} of In-Tl binary liquid alloy at different temperatures over the entire range of concentration which have been used to predict the various other structural properties like excess stability function (EXS), diffusion coefficient ratio (Dm/Did), short range order parameter (α1) at different temperatures.BIBECHANA 15 (2018) 11-23

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