
In today's dynamic business environment, the alignment between information technology (IT) and business strategy is critical for organizations seeking sustained competitive advantage. This paper presents a comprehensive examination of theoretical frameworks supporting this alignment, aiming to provide insights into how organizations can effectively integrate IT capabilities with strategic objectives. The theoretical foundations explored include the Resource-Based View (RBV), which emphasizes leveraging unique resources and capabilities to achieve competitive advantage. Additionally, the Dynamic Capabilities Framework underscores the importance of an organization's ability to adapt and innovate in response to changing market conditions, highlighting the role of IT in facilitating agility and flexibility. The Strategic Alignment Model offers a structured approach to ensuring coherence between business strategy, IT strategy, and organizational infrastructure, enabling seamless integration and alignment. Value Chain Analysis provides a framework for understanding how IT can add value across different stages of the value chain, informing strategic decision-making and resource allocation. Moreover, IT Governance Frameworks, such as COBIT and ITIL, offer guidelines for effective management and governance of IT resources to support strategic objectives. Business Process Reengineering (BPR) is also examined as a methodology for redesigning business processes to align with strategic goals and leverage IT capabilities. Through an exploration of these theoretical frameworks, this paper aims to equip organizations with the knowledge and tools necessary to achieve sustained competitive advantage through the strategic alignment of IT and business strategies. Keywords: Theoretical Frameworks, IT, Business Strategy Alignment, Sustained Competitive Advantage.

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