
The article is devoted to the study of the theoretical foundations of the development of educational programs for military specialists’ in physical education and sport training at higher military educational institutions. The requirements of modern military activity and combat experience of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the training of military specialists in physical education and sport are analyzed and the need to increase the requirements for the quality of their military training to ensure the effectiveness of military professional (combat) act ivities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are set. Theoretical aspects of development of educational programs for military specialists’ in physical education and sport training in the conditions of modernization of higher education in Ukraine are studied and the features of development of educational programs on the basis of competence model of the specialists are analyzed. It was found that the main provisions of the modernized system of higher education are: student-centered education; competence approach to the design and implementation of educational programs; result-oriented education. The requirements of normative documents for the development of educational programs for military specialists’ in physical education and sport training have been clarified. It is established that the volume and complexity of work related to the development of educational programs in accordance with the new approaches are significantly greater than in the case of designing an educational programs based on traditional standards of education, formulated in the form of a set of normative disciplines. They also place new demands on the designers of the educational programі. Therefore, the optimal organization of the whole complex of works (preparation of methodological support, training of designers, creation and description of the educational programі) is of particular importance both for the effectiveness of the process and for ensuring the required quality of the final product – the new generation educational program.


  • The article is devoted to the study of the theoretical foundations of the development of educational programs for military specialists’ in physical education and sport training at higher military educational institutions

  • The requirements of modern military activity and combat experience of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the training of military specialists in physical education and sport are analyzed and the need to increase the requirements for the quality of their military training to ensure the effectiveness of military professional act ivities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are set

  • It was found that the main provisions of the modernized system of higher education are: student-centered education; competence approach to the design and implementation of educational programs; result-oriented education

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Theoretical foundations of the design of educational programs for military specialists’ in physical education and sport training. Основними показниками якості підготовки військових фахівців з фізичної підготовки і спорту є рівень сформованості у них відповідних компетентностей, відповідність їх вимогам стандарту вищої військової освіти за спеціальністю, професійному стандарту, які базуються на компетентнісному підході, та ступінь здатності й готовності до застосування ними знань, умінь та навичок під час виконання службових (бойових) функцій і завдань [2, 3, 8].

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