
AbstractIn stochastic mechanics, one of the interpretations of realistic quantum mechanics, the Schrödinger equation can be derived by assuming the Brownian motion (BM) of minute particles. In this study, we theoretically derive Planck’s constant (h), a fundamental constant of quantum physics, by assuming same BM. Einstein investigated the BM of a resonator caused by photons in a black body; meanwhile, in this study, BM is considered to be caused by the particle and wave natures of light. As a result, as the functional form of h,$${h}_{N}=\frac{4\pi {e}^{2}}{c{\varepsilon }_{0}}\frac{1}{\beta }$$ h N = 4 π e 2 c ε 0 1 β (e: elementary charge, $${\varepsilon }_{0}$$ ε 0 : permittivity, c: speed of light) was derived, where the undetermined coefficient $$\frac{\beta }{2}$$ β 2 represents the probability that the interaction between electrons and electromagnetic waves becomes particle-like absorption in one cycle of oscillation. The theoretical value of h was calculated to be $$\frac{4\pi {e}^{2}}{c{\varepsilon }_{0}}\pi \sqrt{3}$$ 4 π e 2 c ε 0 π 3 by obtaining β from the transition conditions of the BM model and uncertainty relation. This theoretical value is within 0.3% of the most recent value of h. Besides, Nelson’s assumed diffusion coefficient in the stochastic mechanics, which is essential in obtaining Schrödinger’s equation, was proved to be obtained from the BM model and the uncertainty relation. This finding and the conclusion that the Planck’s constant can be mathematically derived, provide support for Nelson’s stochastic mechanics.

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