
Major organizational changes occurring during the last decade in the state and the current social moment require an adequate social determination of the defense as an important state function, having in mind its qualitative level of study, scientific research and logistical sustainability. The role and importance of the logistic support of defense, range and quality of resources that it engages, the practical needs, time requirements and current trends require a treatment of the defense at a higher level of consideration in education, research and operational practice. When considering the development level of any science and the work on its development, we should monitor continuously and analyze objectively the development and influence of the dominant forms of social consciousness - religion, philosophy and particular sciences (natural and social) - and review the basic constituents of the science development. It is also necessary to understand the essence of the relationship between science and philosophy, science and politics, and science and art. A large number of authors (under the influence of methodological essentialism) consider that each science at its lowest level of development (with the exception of philosophical assumptions that are implicit) must have four basic constituents: its subject, theory, language and methodology. Based on the development of the above constituents, these authors assess the level of the scientific development of the particular science, i.e. scientific discipline.


  • The current social moment, practical needs, demands of present time and current trends in social conflict management have imposed a series of issues to which the public have to take a standpoint and which have to be adequately tackled

  • Major organizational changes occurring during the last decade in the state

  • current trends require a treatment of the defense at a higher level

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Kada je u pitanju odnos između nauke i umetnosti,[12] uočljivo je da postoji više[13] razlika: karakterističan je interes umetnika u odnosu na naučnika; konačan rezultat rada umetnika je, u suštini, drugačiji od rezultata naučnog rada; u umetnosti su specifične metode i sredstva kojima se ostvaruje rezultat; u umetnosti su stvarana remek-dela još u doba stare ere (Egipat, Mesopotamija, Grčka, Rim), a nauka je nastala kulminiranjem i sistematizovanjem znanja kroz vekove, naročito u dva poslednja veka; jedinstvo opšteg, posebnog i pojedinačnog u nauci se pojavljuje u formi opšteg (u obliku pojmova, kategorija), a u umetnosti – u formi koja sadrži „neposrednu očiglednost pojedinačne životne pojave“; nauka nastoji da otkloni subjektivizam, karakterišu je strogost ili egzaktnost i teži tačnosti i objektivnosti (eliminiše što je moguće više elemenata subjektivnosti), dok se u umetnosti u mnogo većoj meri ogleda subjektivnost njenog stvaraoca, mada ona nije proizvoljna [4]. De Sola Price: „Discipline koje analiziraju nauku stvarale su se pojedinačno, ali pokazuju mnoge znakove da se počinju usklađivati u celinu čiji je efekat veći od običnog zbroja efekata svih delova“ [7]

Konstituensi razvoja logistike odbrane kao nauke
Constituents of the development of logistics of defense as a science
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