
Aim. The purpose of the study is to analyze the main aspects of the use of marketplaces for the development of export activities of various business entities in our country, as well as to identify promising directions for improving such activities in modern conditions.Objectives. Definition of the essence of the concept of “marketplaces”; research of their role in the development of the system of trade relations in our country; analysis of the significance of marketplaces in the development of the system of promotion and export of modern companies.Methods. Both general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, comparison, induction, deduction, etc.) in their totality and a group of special scientific methods were used in the preparation of the research. The latter include statistical analysis, analysis of dynamics, monographic analysis, etc.Results. Within the framework of modern practice of organizing the activities of various business entities, considerable attention today is paid to the issues of the most effective development of electronic commerce. This is due to the fact that it is at the expense of e-commerce that significant opportunities for increasing sales volume and, consequently, net profit are formed. In the long term, the development of electronic commerce allows to provide an almost complete “transition to a new format of work” of entrepreneurs, as well as to significantly reduce the volume of transaction costs due to the opportunities provided by modern companies involved in the functioning of electronic commerce.Conclusions. Today, in order to develop the activities of many trading companies, considerable attention should be paid to the practice of using the services and opportunities of various marketplaces as part of the promotion and development of export activities. This is due to the fact that such sites can provide significant opportunities for further development of trade activities. The above-mentioned opportunities to improve the practice of promotion and export activities should be taken into account both in the development of cooperation with online trading platforms and in the process of forming strategies for the development of marketplaces suppliers.

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