
The actuality of the study is determined by the need for reaction of teachers and scientists to the phenomena that children reflect in the game – military actions. The professional inadequacy of the methodology for organizing military-themed games encourages scientific research to provide adequate support to teachers and practitioners in wartime. The purpose of the article is to determine the features of military toys, toy weapons usage investigating the theme of war in preschool children’s play activities by analyzing and summarizing the views of child psychologists, psychotherapists, kindergarten teachers and scientists. The following methods were used for the study: analysis, generalization, synthesis. The idea of leisure militarization penetrated not only the games of preschool children, but also children of middle and high school age. The main mechanics were to seize territories and increase military power: men’s and technical. If the role of an adult does not have a purposeful positive impact, then such games will be identified by spontaneity, conflict, consolidation of psychological attitudes, the stronger player wins, and moral norms in such games are not valid.
 The results of scientific research are accumulated in the following features: children's games on the theme of war and toy weapons usage have a deep historical origin from the stable stereotypical views on the upbringing of boys and girls; the theme of war and the plots of military events penetrate all kinds of children's games: creative and with rules, while their interpenetration and mutual enrichment is noticeable; games and toys can be the subject of ideological and military reflection and influence of different political and historical periods; such games can reflect the experienced traumatic events, and be necessary means of preventive and psychotherapeutic treatment, etc. It is noted that the organization of children's military-themed games ensures preschoolers’ value orientations formation: patriotism, respect for a person and his life, the value of protecting the Motherland, interest in military’s heroic deeds etc.

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