
This article gives examples of theoretical models of the behavior of the political elite, depending on the specific political situation and relations with opponents. The analysis of the political elite is based on three main approaches: structural, functional and structural-functional, which sufficiently allows us to study the internal structure of the political elite. The study of the internal structure, in turn, allows you to determine the relationship of the structural elements of an integral system and identify problems at an early stage. Based on them, two main levels of research can be presented: the micro level (interaction with individuals) and the macro level (interaction with the state). An important factor influencing the determination of a certain pattern of behavior of the political elite is the environment. “External environment” refers to both individual individuals and social groups and institutions, each of which plays a significant role in the political process as a whole. Attention is focused on the models of actions of the political elite in small states, in the context of the coalition / type of hostile relationship. The role of the political elite of a small state in the international arena, its strategies and tactics, status positions. The importance of the correct Organization of the communication process is described. The article also presents the experience of the behavior of the political elite in the Republic Of Moldova.

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