
The article deals with the definitions of the concepts of “social environment”, “socio-cultural approach”, their historical genesis in the theoretical studies of domestic and foreign researchers. The concepts of “culture” and “environment” and their role in the development of society are studied. The environment is one of the priority factors of personal development and the person through his actions and deeds affects the environment, forming it for himself. The specificity of the sociocultural approach is seen in the integration of the three dimensions of human existence (the type of relationship between man and society, the nature of culture, the type of sociality) as the fundamental and most important components of human communities. One of the main objectives of the socio-cultural approach is to try to explain mental processes and their interrelationships in historical, institutional and cultural contexts. Studies of the dynamics of socio-cultural rhythms, causes and factors of socio-cultural changes and their impact on the formation of “social man” are considered. Studied the genesis of the development of the socio-cultural approach in Russia (A.S. Akhiezer, T.I. Zaslavskaya, G.V. Osipov, N.I. Lapin, F.I. Minushev, V.N. Kuznetsov, A.I. Rakitov). The sociological approach in understanding the sociocultural environment, which is aimed at studying the patterns of interaction between the individual, society and culture, structure and structural functioning of culture in the dynamics of social structure, development of social institutions and ongoing socio-cultural changes, is defined. Based on the study of the concept of “socio-cultural approach” and the methodology of its implementation in the system of humanitarian knowledge, a number of concepts of the social environment, the main difference of which is the anthropocentric and ecocentric understanding of social phenomena and processes.


  • В статье рассмотрены определения понятий «со- The article deals with the definitions of the conциальная среда», «социокультурный подход», их cepts of “social environment”, “socio-cultural apисторический генезис в теоретических исследо- proach”, their historical genesis in the theoretical ваниях отечественных и зарубежных исследова- studies of domestic and foreign researchers

  • The социологический подход в понимании социокуль- sociological approach in understanding the socioтурной среды, который направлен на исследова- cultural environment, which is aimed at studying ние закономерностей взаимодействия личности, the patterns of interaction between the individual, общества и культуры, строения и структурного society and culture, structure and structural funcфункционирования культуры в динамике соци- tioning of culture in the dynamics of social strucальной структуры, развития социальных инсти- ture, development of social institutions and ongoтутов и происходящих социокультурных измене- ing socio-cultural changes, is defined

  • На основе исследования понятия «социо- the study of the concept of “socio-cultural apкультурный подход» и методологии его реализа- proach” and the methodology of its implementaции в системе гуманитарного знания рассмотрен tion in the system of humanitarian knowledge, a ряд концепций социальной среды, основным от- number of concepts of the social environment, the личием которых является антропоцентрическое и main difference of which is the anthropocentric экоцентрическое понимание социальных явлений and ecocentric understanding of social phenomeи процессов

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В статье рассмотрены определения понятий «со- The article deals with the definitions of the conциальная среда», «социокультурный подход», их cepts of “social environment”, “socio-cultural apисторический генезис в теоретических исследо- proach”, their historical genesis in the theoretical ваниях отечественных и зарубежных исследова- studies of domestic and foreign researchers. The социологический подход в понимании социокуль- sociological approach in understanding the socioтурной среды, который направлен на исследова- cultural environment, which is aimed at studying ние закономерностей взаимодействия личности, the patterns of interaction between the individual, общества и культуры, строения и структурного society and culture, structure and structural funcфункционирования культуры в динамике соци- tioning of culture in the dynamics of social strucальной структуры, развития социальных инсти- ture, development of social institutions and ongoтутов и происходящих социокультурных измене- ing socio-cultural changes, is defined. На основе исследования понятия «социо- the study of the concept of “socio-cultural apкультурный подход» и методологии его реализа- proach” and the methodology of its implementaции в системе гуманитарного знания рассмотрен tion in the system of humanitarian knowledge, a ряд концепций социальной среды, основным от- number of concepts of the social environment, the личием которых является антропоцентрическое и main difference of which is the anthropocentric экоцентрическое понимание социальных явлений and ecocentric understanding of social phenomeи процессов.

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