
The article discusses the current state of existing approaches to programming classes in professionally oriented education of students in institutions of higher education.
 The following research methods were used in the work: analysis, comparison and generalization of scientific literature, practical research, personal work experience, comparisons.
 The data of scientific and methodological literature and practical studies are analyzed and summarized, which argue that the current approaches to programming physical education classes and professionally-applied physical training of students need improvement.
 It was found that the methods of rational planning of these classes depend on many indicators: a combination of various means, their dosages, orientation, taking into account the functional state of the body, physical fitness, and the direction of future students' professional activities.
 The conditions for programming classes are determined under which physical education of students would be an effective method of strengthening personal health, increasing the level of physical condition, their physical performance: regularity of classes, their variability, individual approach, taking into account the interests and preferences of students, as well as the use of wellness technologies, which in turn, will contribute to the formation of positive motivation for physical education classes, the basics of self-healing Noah activities, development of professional skills.
 The studies made it possible to argue that at the present stage in the system of physical education, professionally oriented training is of particular importance, as a result of which the market of highly qualified specialists can provide.
 An analysis of the existing approaches to programming physical education classes and professionally-applied training of students needs to be improved, and despite the scientific studies of domestic and foreign scientists, the problems of professionally-applied physical training can be solved only if thorough scientific research is carried out.


  • Сьогодні особливо гостро стоїть питання про посилення вимог щодо підвищення якості підготовки фахівців у закладах вищої освіти до різних видів професійної діяльності

  • Формування професійно важливих якостей студентів можливе за умови впровадження у навчальний процес нових оздоровчих технологій, що, у свою чергу, сприятиме формуванню позитивної мотивації до занять з фізичного виховання, основам самостійної оздоровчої діяльності, освоєння професійних знань

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