
The relevance of the article is the analysis of V. Antoniuk’s scientific and methodological works devoted to the development of national peculiarities of Ukrainian singing and also to the study of the theoretical foundations of the phenomenon of the vocal performing school, as well as the theoretical and practical principles of vocal pedagogy. The content of the author’s ethnocultural vocal theory, as well as the concept of the national vocal school as the cultural code of the nation, is revealed.Main objective of the study. The article represents outstanding scientific and methodological contribution of V. Antonyuk to the development of contemporary Ukrainian musicology and vocal pedagogy in the field of studying the phenomenon of the Ukrainian vocal school.The methodology of the study is based on complex applying of general scientific methods and cross-disciplinary approaches to the investigation of a number of phenomena located in the interdisciplinary area (to use the information from different areas of scientific knowledge: culturology, musicology, semiotics, ethnoculturology, linguoculturology, phonopsycholinguistics, history of performing art). A review of the literature on the issue was carried out and the main perspectives of research interests were determined using the analytical method. Typological methods of comparative characteristics within the framework of cultural approach to the definition of scientific author’s achievement in national theory of performing art have been applied.The scientific novelty of the article consists in the study of the influence of scientific and methodological developments of V. Antonyuk in the field of studying the national vocal school on the development of the modern theory of musical performance.Main findings of the Study. The study of topical issues of the theory of musical performance, the nature of performing phenomena and processes, including one of the central phenomena of this kind of art — the performing school in complex, are one of the strongest aspects of national Ukrainian musicology. The musical performing school in the works of Ukrainian authors appears as a metacultural, multispectral phenomenon, a scientific and theoretical instrument for the study of the performing process, a conceptually-terminological methodologically directed system for transferring knowledge and performing experience. At the heart of many modern studies of this phenomenon are the scientific and methodological developments carried out by Valentyna Antonyuk, who, as one of the first domestic scientists, has thoroughly researched it, as an example of the Ukrainian vocal school, as a universal scientific and practical phenomenon. Her works represents the musical performing school as a historical phenomenon and as a cultural phenomenon, as a universal practical mode. Theoretical concept of V. Antonyuk set forth a new conceptual and terminological apparatus for studying Ukrainian vocal art in general and the vocal performing school in particular, reinterpreted the traditional methods of Ukrainian and world vocal pedagogy based on the author's ethnocultural vocal theory. The extensive scientific achievements of V. Antonyuk in this field, backed up by a convenient practical basis, led to the emergence of a number of important theoretical developments of researchers of other types of performing arts, which ultimately led to a comprehensive theoretical understanding in modern musicology of the notion of a performing school as one of the central categories of the theory of musical performance. According to the author’s concept, the Ukrainian vocal school is based on the artistic traditions of different generations, it represents an extensive multiethnic communication structure between performers, representatives of schools and society, a modern mobile, “productive” or “progressive” model of Ukrainian vocal practice. The contribution of V. Antonyuk, performed in the field of development of modern vocal pedagogy from the standpoint of pedagogical synergetic, proved to be useful also in the development of modern principles of national musical pedagogic. The author’s concept of the national vocal school as a cultural code of the nation, embodying all its artistic heritage and traditions and broadcasts them to the general public, is a unique contribution to the development of the national education system in the field of vocal art.

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