
In order to do a qualitative study of the problem «Ukrainians on the First World War battlefronts» it is necessary to apply perfect tools and optimize scientific research. Such a means in modern science is methodology – a system of principles and logical techniques, specific means of studying the subject of science. The science of methodology is a broadly developed logical system of ideological, general scientific and specific concepts, techniques and principles which makes possible to explore, describe and predict the development of a certain field of scientific knowledge with a rather high probability.Based on the scientific methodology, the logical and methodological foundations of the study are developed taking into account all categories and sections of scientific knowledge that determine the structure of the research from the point of view of the system approach and at the appropriate level of generalization and systematization as an independent branch of scientific knowledge. The necessary components of the methodology include special methods and techniques used in conducting military and historical research. One should be guided by the methodology of knowledge of general philosophical or general scientific levels, modern achievements in history and other sciences. Of great importance is the use of an integrated approach that ensures the study of historical, economic, social, and ideological factors affecting the formation and evolution of Ukrainian armed units during World War I.It is important to clarify the essence of the categories defining the content of the activities of Ukrainians on the First World War battlefronts, systematizing, supplementing and coordinating the corresponding conceptual apparatus. The approach to the characteristics of the attracted conceptual apparatus should be developed on the basis of the generalization of modern scientific research on the formation of the terminology of military and historical science, as well as the analysis of the scientific vocabulary used in these works. To reveal the essence of the problem under study, it is necessary to identify the following basic concepts, such as «war and army», «politics and war», «military factor», «First World War» etc. Without an analysis of their content and essence, the problem of Ukrainian participation in the war frontiers cannot be thoroughly researched. This is explained, first of all, by the need to understand the role of the war in relation to the attitude of the state and the public towards it, and on this basis, determining the character of the attitude towards it by the whole army and servicemen.The principle of the reliability of the data obtained, the principle of systematicity, the multi-vector principle, the principle of comprehensiveness, the principle of continuity etc. will ensure the possibility of conducting an impartial military and historical analysis, play a significant role in the study of the issues of Ukrainian participation in the fronts of the First World War.

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