
The author considers in detail such aspects in his work, which are devoted to the system of psychological support in the learning process. The study of the influence of the mental health of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation on their work productivity and communication in the service team. The subject of the research in the presented work was the process of professional education and training for law enforcement officers in various conditions. The purpose of the study was to determine the features of the formation of professional skills of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. The object of the study was the professional skill formed by law enforcement officers in the process of performing official duties. The main conclusions of the study are the assumptions that the readiness of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is often formed under the influence of various factors, circumstances and conditions. As the main ones, the author identified such as the development of professional motivation, psychological readiness to work in conditions associated with increased loads and peculiarities of service, awareness of the value of human and citizen life, the formation of verbal and non-verbal communication culture, the formation of tolerance to stressful situations, the absence of excessive requirements. The work is based on the analysis of fundamental and modern research on this issue, processing and drafting of modern provisions for training law enforcement officers to perform official duties.

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