
The article is devoted to the theoretical analysis of the conceptual foundations of the problem of formation of professional and pedagogical competencies of future teachers of vocational education. The relevance of diagnostics of the levels of formation of key competencies among future teachers of vocational education in the context of the new standard of higher education is substantiated, and an analysis of scientific research on the outlined problem is carried out.
 Competence characterizes the specialist's ability to realize their human potential for professional activity. Competence of a specialist with a higher education is the desire and willingness to realize one's potential (knowledge, skills, experience, personal qualities, etc.) for successful productive activity in the professional and social sphere, being aware of its social significance and personal responsibility for the results of this activity. activity, the need for its constant improvement. The article analyzes the concepts of "competence" and "competency", defines the essence of the concepts "competent" and "competence approach". The problem lies in the large number of definitions and the lack of a generally accepted one.
 In addition, the article analyzes the regularities of the functioning of the higher education system, considers the problem of criteria for determining pedagogical competencies. In the context of the formation of the professional competence of the future teacher of vocational education, its components are defined; the professional and pedagogical competencies specified among the program outcomes of study according to the new standard of higher education are explained. The essence of the formation of professional and pedagogical competence in the process of educational and cognitive activity according to the new standard of higher education is revealed. The content of evaluative competence, the essence of evaluative skills of a teacher of vocational education was analyzed, and the specifics of modular training were revealed. The need to develop a new toolkit for assessing the competencies of future specialists, teachers of vocational education is substantiated.

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