
The paper introduces a novel method for defining the graph associated with a near Banach space. In mathematics, a graph typically represents relationships between objects. Here, it seems the graph is being defined in the context of a near Banach space, which is a generalization of Banach spaces allowing the norm to take infinite values. An iteration function is utilized to define the subgraph of the graph associated with the near Banach space. This subgraph likely captures specific properties or relationships within the original graph. The paper presents near-fixed point theorems by well-known math- ematicians such as Banach, Kannan, Chatterja, and Ciric [2][18][7][9]. These theorems deal with the existence of points that are approximately fixed under certain mappings or operations. The near-fixed point theorems mentioned are obtained or derived using the new approach introduced for defining the graph and its subgraph associated with the near Banach space [20]. This suggests that the new approach is effective in providing a framework for proving these theorems or extending their applicability to near Banach spaces. The paper discusses a fresh method for defining the graph of a near Banach space, employs an iteration function to define its subgraph, and then demonstrates the utility of this approach by deriving near-fixed point theorems by eminent mathemati- cians in the field [14][15[16].

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