Purpose. To study the effect of modification of nickel-yttrium ligature with additives on the structure and physical and mechanical properties of ЖС6У-ВІ alloy, smelted using its own technological return in the charge.
 Research methods. On the УППФ-3М installation with the base crucible, experimental melting of standart technological return of the ЖС6У-ВІ alloy was carried out using high-temperature melt processing.
 Experimental samples for mechanical tests and determination of stress-rupture strength were cast from the obtained ingots, cut into measured batch blanks and cleaned in a shot blasting drum, using the method of equiaxial crystallization in ceramic molds.
 When pouring one ceramic mold, the metal melt at a temperature of 1540 °C was modified with a nickel-yttrium ligature of the ІтН1 brand (grain size 2...5 mm) in the amount of 0.136 % of the mass of the charge in a crucible with a holding time of 1 min 15 s ... 1 min. The second block was poured without modification.
 Cooling of the poured blocks was carried out at the melting site at normal ambient temperature.
 The samples underwent heat treatment according to ОСТ 1 90126-85: heating to a temperature of 1210 ± 10 °C, holding for 4 hours, cooling in air.
 The balance of the chemical composition of the experimental alloys was evaluated by the computational and analytical method.
 The chemical composition of the alloy of experimental variants was determined. The microstructure and mechanical properties at room temperature were studied. Stress-rupture strength tests were performed at 975 °C under a load of 230 MPa.
 Results. Experimental melting of the charge was carried out, which consisted exclusively of our own technological return of the ЖС6У-ВІ alloy with the use of high-temperature processing of the melt and modification with a nickel-yttrium ligature.
 The chemical composition, microstructure of the experimental alloy, its mechanical properties at room temperature, and heat resistance indicators were studied.
 A method of determining the degree of balance of the chemical composition of modern superalloys based on the total content of groups of alloying elements is proposed.
 Scientific novelty. Calculations carried out in accordance with the proposed method of determining the degree of balance of the chemical composition of the alloy show that for the experimental variants, phase separations may form along the grain boundaries. Studies of the microstructure confirmed the separation of the γ-γ' eutectic phase in the form of a “white” border along the thickened grain boundaries in the metal of the ЖС6У-ВІ alloy sample.
 According to the calculations of the metal alloying system balance for experimental melts, not only the thickening of the grain boundaries and the separation of the γ-γ' eutectic phase, but also a decrease in mechanical properties and stress-rupture strength can be observed.
 The application of modification with nickel-yttrium ligature in the amount of 0.136 % in the remelting process with the use of high-temperature processing of the ЖС6У-ВІ alloy return melt allows to ensure the formation of grain boundaries without visible discharges (pollution).
 It was established that in the metal of the experimental melting with the application of modification with nickel-yttrium ligature, carbides have globular and lamellar morphology. There is no separation of the γ-γ' eutectic phase.
 The mechanical properties and stress-rupture strength of the metal of the experimental melts with the use of high-temperature processing of the melt of the conditioned return of the ЖС6У-ВІ alloy, both with and without modification by nickel-yttrium ligature, meet the requirements of OST 1 90126-85, but at the same time, they are lower than the properties of the alloy cast with charge refreshment.
 Practical value. A computational and analytical method of determining the degree of balance of the chemical composition of modern heat-resistant alloys based on the total content of certain groups of alloying elements is proposed.
 It was established that the modification of nickel-yttrium ligature with additives significantly improves the microstructure of castings obtained from the technological return of the ЖС6У-ВІ alloy and creates conditions for a general improvement in the quality of the material of the responsible castings.
 The conducted studies show that the use of 0.136 % nickel-yttrium ligature allows to clean grain boundaries, change the morphology of non-metallic inclusions and counteract the segregation of eutectic inclusions in nickel-based superalloys alloys.
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