
Purpose: The goal of this study is to determine and improve the best security practices within Ghanaian construction sites to control theft and vandalism incidents.
 Design/Methodology/Approach: A purposive sampling technique was adopted for the population which were indigenous small and medium-sized construction firms of D1KI and D2K2 categories to complete the semi-structured questionnaire. Out of the total of 80 questionnaires distributed, only 65 responses were retrieved for analysis. Descriptive statistics comprising, frequencies and mean scores were used. 
 Findings: The findings showed that the most effective and often utilized security measure on construction sites is the hiring of watchmen, with security cameras, alarm systems, and warning signs being the least frequently employed. Sites would most likely be protected from theft by effective implementation of the most important security measures while also guaranteeing that the value for money invested in site security is also realized.
 Research Limitation/Implications: The effectiveness of theft and vandalism control measures may vary based on specific site characteristics, such as location, size, and type of construction. Generalising findings from one site to all construction contexts may not be applicable.
 Social Implication: Incidents of theft and vandalism can lead to social tensions within the community, especially if residents perceive construction activities as a source of risk. Effective control measures mitigate these tensions, fostering a more harmonious relationship between construction companies and the local population.
 Practical Implication: Minimizing the impact of theft and vandalism contributes to the timely completion of construction projects. Unanticipated delays due to security incidents can be avoided, ensuring that projects adhere to planned schedules and deadlines.
 Originality/ Value: The originality of this paper lies in its targeted investigation into theft and vandalism control measures on small and medium-sized construction sites, offering innovative and contextually relevant solutions that address the unique challenges faced by SMEs in the construction industry.

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