
The current education system not doing anything for understanding students or helping them in problem solving skills. It provides nothing but only a usual information package to those who pass through the gateways. It is better to diversifying the teaching strategies rather than changing the curriculum for solving this issue. The Theatre Activities which can be used in classrooms are extremely useful in this matter. The theatre has accepted a new approach for creating a bond between classroom learning and drama instruments. The major goal of this attempt is to modify the knowledge, attitude and behaviour of students. The People who have acquired sufficient training are considered as prospective teachers hence, they must be familiar with teaching strategies like Theatre Activities. It is a study conducted among prospective teachers for their opinion about the effectiveness of Theatre Activities. It includes the opinion of prospective teachers about the effectiveness and possibilities of Theatre Activities. The findings of the study reveals that most of the prospective teachers have good awareness about the learning strategies using Theatre Activities. This study reveals that it is very effective to use of Theatre Activities in the classroom for developing good relationship, leadership qualities and multiple intelligence among the students and usage of Theatre Activities are very effective for diversity in classroom and to sustain the learning interest among students.

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