
The Zen arts are called the artless arts. A follower of Zen arts practices from the vantage point not of the self, but of the no-self (Sanskrit: anatman). The Zen arts can therefore express and teach the power of a liberated mind. The traditional forms of the Zen arts include calligraphy, sumie (ink painting, along with the drawing of an enso, a Zen circle of enlightenment), haiku, chanoyu (tea ceremony), ikebana (flower arrangement), kyudo (formal archery practice), and baika (music). These art forms are meditation in action, providing physical testimonies of holistic experiences. In this chapter I juxtapose the Zen arts with satori enlightenment experiences to illustrate the gateway to joyfulness and peace. Subsequently, I extract the Zen art principles and transpose them to our everyday life in order to provide a matrix that can be used and applied by anybody as a tool for liberation. The Zen arts thus exemplify ways to encounter each other with respect and openness, since we all seek happiness. Let’s appreciate life!

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