The Younger site (41MR6) is located on a lower toe slope (250ft. amsl) and alluvial terrace in the Arms Creek or Patton Creek valley at Lake 0' the Pines. Arms Creek is an eastward-flowing tributary to Big Cypress Creek. At normal pool levels the Younger site is now under the waters of Lake 0' the Pines. When the site was first recorded by E. 0. Miller of the National Park Service in 1951, it was named the D. M. Collom site. The site was estimated to cover 6-8 acres, and was marked by several areas of bare ground where Caddo pottery sherds were collected (n=150), primarily plain sherds (n=115) and brushed/brushed-punctated sherds (n=33). Thurmond considers the site to be a large Titus phase settlement based on the identification of Ripleyffaylor Engraved, Glassell Engraved, Maydelle Incised, Bullard Brushed, and Pease Brushed-Incised sherds in the collection as well as a single Maud arrow point. In April 1964, Buddy Calvin Jones excavated four burials in a prehistoric Caddo cemetery at what was now known as the A. V. Younger site. The burials were about 30m north of a spring-fed creek, in a row situated near the edge of a small alluvial terrace. The burials each contained a single individual laid out in an extended, supine position with associated funerary offerings, primarily ceramic vessels. We documented a number of the ceramic vessels, as described below, but eight of the vessels recovered by Jones are now missing from the collection.
Rased on the collections we recently documented from the site at the Gregg County Historical Museum, as well as notes and drawings prepared by Jones, these four burials were adults that had been placed in an extended supine position in a grave pit, with their heads oriented west-northwest and northwest, and a moderate assortment of funerary offerings were placed with each of the deceased individuals
Funerary offerings consisted of 18 ceramic vessels from four burials (4.5 vessels per burial), one Bonham arrow point from Burial 1, and one green clay pigment mass with another one of the burials
Younger site collection gathered by Buddy Calvin Jones is from a late Titus phase occupation
A total of 290 ceramic shenls were collected by Buddy Calvin .Tones from unknown contexts at the A. The sherd assemblage includes 153 plain body and base sherds and 137 decorated sherds (Table 1). V. Younger collection are from utility wares. It is not surprising that 84% of the utility ware sherds and 60% of all the decorated sherds have brushed decorations (see Table l). Given the likely Late Caddo age of this ceramic assemblage. Both Harleton Ap pliqued sherds in the collection have brushing marks surrounding the appliqued elements. Another body sherd has a straight appliqued ridge. Belcher jars (see Girard 2007: 15); vessels of this type are typically present in post-A.D. 1500 Belcher phase sites in northwestern Louisiana
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