Context. IRASF11119+3257 is an ultra-luminous infrared galaxy with a post-merger morphology, hosting a type-1 quasar at z = 0.189. It shows a prominent ultra-fast outflow (UFO) absorption feature (vout ∼ 0.25c) in its 2013 Suzaku spectrum. This is the first system in which the energy released by the UFO was compared to that of the known galaxy-scale molecular outflow to investigate the mechanism driving active galactic nuclei (AGN) feedback. Aims. In 2021, we obtained the first XMM-Newton long look of the target, coordinated with a simultaneous NuSTAR observation, with the goal of constraining the broad band continuum and the nuclear wind physical properties and energetics with an unprecedented accuracy. Methods. The new high-quality data allowed us to clearly detect at a confidence level P > 99.8% multiple absorption features associated with the known UFO at the 9.1 and 11.0 keV rest frames. Furthermore, an emission plus absorption feature at 1.1 − 1.3 keV reveals the presence of a blueshifted P-Cygni profile in the soft band. Results. We associate the two hard band features with blends of FeXXV and FeXXVI Heα-Lyα and Heβ-Lyβ line pairs and infer a large column (NH ∼ 1024 cm−2) of highly ionized (log ξ ∼ 5) gas outflowing at vout = 0.27 ± 0.01c. The 1.3 keV absorption line can be associated with a blend of Fe and Ne transitions, produced by a lower column (NH ∼ 3 × 1021 cm−2) and ionization (log ξ ∼ 2.6) gas component outflowing at the same speed. Using a radiative-transfer disk wind model to fit the highly ionized UFO, we derive a mass outflow rate comparable with the mass accretion rate and the Eddington limit (Ṁout = 4.25−0.73+1.11 M⊙/yr, ∼1.6 Ṁacc and ∼1.0 ṀEdd), and kinetic energy (Ėkin = 1.21−0.20+0.32 Lbol and ∼0.7LEdd) and momentum flux (Ṗout = 6.37−1.09+1.67 Lbol/c) among the highest reported in the literature. We measured an extremely low high-energy cutoff (Ecut ∼ 25 − 30 keV). This and several other cases in the literature suggest that a steep X-ray continuum may be related to the formation of powerful winds. We also analyzed the ionized [OIII] component of the large-scale outflow through optical spectroscopy and derived a large outflow velocity (vout ∼ 3000 km/s) and energetics comparable with the large-scale molecular outflows. Finally, we observe a trend of decreasing outflow velocity from forbidden optical emission lines of decreasing ionization levels, interpreted as the outflow decelerating at large distances from the ionizing source. Conclusions. The lack of a significant momentum boost between the nuclear UFO and the different phases of the large-scale outflow, observed in IRASF11119 and in a growing number of similar sources, can be explained by (i) a momentum-driven expansion, (ii) an inefficient coupling of the UFO with the host interstellar medium, or (iii) by repeated energy-driven expansion episodes with a low duty cycle, that average out on long timescales to produce the observed large-scale outflow.
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