
Purpose. The aim of the article is to analyze foreign experience of the formation of an effective regulatory framework in the field of ensuring of an efficient organizational and economic food security mechanism. Methodology of research. In the process of analysis general scientific methods were used, namely: bibliographic - for analysis and systematization of research works, historical - for studying historical experience of legal base formation, statistical - for studying dynamics of researched processes change, comparative - for estimation of efficiency of food security mechanism in different countries, graphical - to clearly reflect the existing dynamics between the analyzed indicators, abstract-logical – in formulating conclusions and recommendations. Findings. It is established that the efficiency of the organizational and economic mechanism of food security is influenced by both the level of income and specific state policy in the field of food security, which should take into account both climatic conditions and resources, sectoral orientation of regions, traditional specifics of food production and international standards of quality and safety of food products, WTO requirements and other standards. It is proved that the effectiveness of the organizational and economic mechanism of food security depends on the direct impact of state measures on the agri-food sector, socio-economic system and food security, as well as the indirect impact of incentives and multiplier effect. It is analysed of the functioning of the organizational and economic mechanism of food security in the leading countries of the world and found that in highly developed countries there is an effective policy to ensure the effective functioning of the organizational and economic mechanism of food security, which includes measures to support agricultural production and domestic market to ensure the high quality of food and their availability, the so-called "farm to fork" programs. Originality. The dependence of malnutrition on the level of development of countries is determined and the main elements of the organizational and economic mechanism of food security in the leading countries of the world are singled out. Practical value. The identified instruments of the organizational and economic food security mechanism of highly developed countries will allow to reform the national food security system in order to ensure economic and physical access of all citizen groups to healthy food. Key words: food security; agricultural production; price; agricultural products; hunger; prevalence of malnutrition.

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