
The article is about the absence of independent physical presence of the ideas formatted by the brain mind, though each individual may act upon the ideas or the encoded information created by the brain, which we call a process. These ideas may be stored mentally, which could be remembered by the individual, or physically stored in the language used by the individual. The ideas created by the brain is generally using a language or a figure represented by an image or material, which represents the object or the idea. The mental image or the idea represents a physical reality or a functional state, allowing the person to work upon the physical entity. The mind could create several entities, using language or symbolically, which may not have a real presence in the world.The mind has created several such entities and even represented them physically by materials or symbolically. People have been creating mental ideas of divine forces and visualizing the, and believe such forces really exist and control them and the world. The mental concepts could be symbolic and one could visualize them if they could be treated with an image. Sensory abilities may help visual or auditory appearances of them or have sensorial experiences with them if their brain is going through a hallucinatory state. We have already reported the phantom phenomenon when the affected person experiences a limb or body, which is truly absent in the person. The orbitofrontal cortex is engaged in social conditioning, and when the input signals do not reach this area, violent responses may be made at the amygdala level.

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