
This research discusses the novel and movie Harry Potter and its popularity among youth as well as adults. This is a fantasy literature which has mysticism and supernaturalism in it. It describes the ratio of the gender among which it is popular and also examines the psychological effect that people have undergone after watching / reading this novel. This paper analyses why Harry Potter gained universal importance among the other fantasy movies / books that were written at that time. It also studies the influence of Harry Potter in the present time. It examines the learnings people derived from it considering the character of Harry Potter. The study was undertaken in the form of a survey. The questions included in it were related to the favourite characters, quotes and language concerned with the character of Harry Potter and its impact on the mental health of the viewers or readers. The paper also studies viewers or readers’ belief in occult or supernatural. It also studies among which age group it is ubiquitous and also analyses whether its popularity is as a novel or as a movie. It also contains the ratio of how many times it has been watched or read. It further scrutinises whether people were primed to recommend it to others.

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