
This article explores the searing critiques of globalization, modernization and industrialization in the eco-conscious poetry of North Eastern India through an ecocritical analysis of selected poems of Saratchand Thiyamand others. In celebrating the ecological glory of their region, these poets criticize modernization, urbanization, industrialization and irresponsible human behaviour that are continually ravaging the biodiversity and ecosystem of their land. The poets are playing an important role in raising eco-consciousness and eco-sensibility not only among the people of their own region but also in the wider world. The people of the North East revere nature and depict it in their literatures. Although in the arena of world literature the concept of eco-consciousness is a relatively modern phenomenon, a deep sensibility for nature and a harmonious inter-relationship between man and the environment can be seen in the literature of the North East. The eco-centric lifestyle of the people of this region is reflected through their oral or written literature.

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