
This paper starts from a nonlinear fermion field equation of motion with, a strongly coupled (coupling constantg) isosymmetric self-interaction. To break the isosymmetry of the solutions, one uses an isospin polarization of the fermion ground state. Previous papers showed that a necessary and sufficient trigger for the isosymmetry breaking is the emergence of the electromagnetic interaction. Quark solutions of the equation of motion are constructed in terms of a Reggeized infinitecomponent free spinor field. Such a field carries a family of strongly interacting unstable compounds lying on a Eegge locus in the analytically continued quark spin. We show why and how the existence of such a strongly coupled solution forces the field equation of motion to conserveC, P, T although its individual interaction terms are ofV-A and thusC, P nonconserving type. Previous papers showed that such a quark field is naturally confined and also possesses the property of asymptotic freedom. Furthermore, the particular field self-regularizes the interactions and naturally breaks the chiral invariance of the equation of motion. This leads naturally to the emergence of lepton fields, one for each quark field. If one selects a particular choice of the lepton-quark correspondence, one finds that the field equation of motion leads naturally to the standard form of the weak interaction and, in fact, provides an interpretation of the Cabibbo angle in terms of the domain isospin polarization angle of the ground state. In fact it is suggested that the weak-decay interaction follows completely from the strong interaction as a reflection of the residual instability of the quark, lepton ground states, at a strength scaled down fromg2 by the mechanism of asymptotic freedom of the strong interaction. This mechanism scales up by the same ratio the effective mass squared of the intermediate Vector boson relative to the mass squared scaling the strong interaction. In the process the lepton masses are directly related by the proposed quark-lepton reaction to those of the corresponding quark states. The discussion illuminates the universality and chiral symmetry of the weak-decay interaction.

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