
The Volch’etundrovsky Massif occupies the middle part of the autonomous anorthosite complex of the Main Range, has a sheet morphology and marks the tectonic suture between the Kola block and the Belomorian mobile belt. The massif is characterized by homogenous structure and consists of the volumetrically dominant Main Zone including leucogabbro, leucogabbronorites, and anorthosites, and Marginal Zone made up of leuconorites and gabbronorites with subordinate plagioclasites and orthopyroxenites. Chemically, the rocks of the Volch’etundrovsky Massif are ascribed to the normal (tholeiitic and calc-alkaline) petrochemical series with typomorphic high Al2O3 contents (11.71–29.32 wt %). With Al2O3 increase in the leuconorite-anorthosite series, the SiO2 and TiO2 contents show weak variations, CaO and alkalis insignificantly increase, whereas the MgO and FeO contents sharply decrease. The rocks of the Volch’etundrovsky Massif reveal significant REE fractionation and increase in total REE content in the leuconorite-anorthosite series, most approximating the Paleoproterozoic (Sumian) anorthosites of the Kola region. The anorthosites and leucogabbro are characterized by flat HREE, while the leuconorites is strongly depleted in HREE due to garnet fractionation. All rocks of the massif have significant positive Eu anomalies caused by the plagioclase accumulation. Zircons are characterized by LREE depletion and enrichment in HREE. This defines the steep positive slope of the plots complicated by the negative Eu and positive Ce (in zircons from leucogabbro) anomalies, which is typical of the REE distribution patterns in the unaltered zircons from igneous rocks. In zircons from anorthosites, the Ce anomaly is weak to absent. The trace-element distribution in the rocks of the Volch’etundrovsky Massif show positive Ba, Ta, Pb, Sr, Sc, and V anomalies, being controlled by the mineral specifics of the massif and the presence of definite accessory minerals. New U-Pb zircon data on the rocks of the Volch’etundrovsky Massif indicate that the leuconorites from the Marginal Zone were formed 2473 ± 7 Ma and 2463 ± 2.4 Ma ago, and the leucogabbro from the Main Zone, 2467 ± 8 Ma. These rocks have negative ɛNd(T) from -1.54 up to -3.10, which indicates their derivation from enriched mantle reservoir variably contaminated by crustal material. The anorthosites of the Main Zone define an U-Pb age of 2407 ± 3 Ma and ɛNd(T) = −3.78, which presumably reflect the timing of hydrothermal-metasomatic alterations in the upper part of the magmatic chamber accompanied by significant crustal contamination.

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