Detailed mineralogical and geochemical analysis of drill core samples from three previously unstudied localities (Sheps Lake, Lac Ritchie, Hayot Lake) of the ca. 1.88 Ga Sokoman continental margin-type iron formation (IF) was undertaken to better understand tectonically stable, shallow-marine environments and surface redox conditions during the late Paleoproterozoic. Suboxic (Fe-oxide-rich including paragenetically early hematite) and anoxic (Fe-silicate/carbonate-rich) mineral paragenetic pathways operated during IF deposition. Post-depositional alteration beyond late diagenesis/metamorphism was negligible, based on petrographic examination and analysis of bulk Fe(III)/Fe(II) ratios. High-precision trace element (TE) data of the Sokoman IF, in the context of new analyses of IF/iron ore reference materials (IOC-1, FeR-3, FeR-4), reveal similarities to contemporaneous continental margin-type IF. However, both the analytical approach and integration of chemostratigraphic variations in detrital element, rare earth element and yttrium (REE + Y), and other TE (Cr, V, U, Ni, Co, Zn) parameters with a previously published sequence-stratigraphic framework provides refined insight into the ca. 1.88 Ga marine surface environment. Specifically, this study dissects new details on the effects of base-level fluctuations, terrigenous input, basin redox stratification, and microbial activity that are collectively captured within the mineralogically and texturally complex units of the Sokoman IF.The REE + Y signature of the Sokoman IF is confirmed to have developed during deposition/early diagenesis through a comparison of geochemical signatures of chert (jasper) intraclasts and surrounding bulk IF. Furthermore, the Sokoman IF REE + Y data show patterns reminiscent of modern seawater (LREE depletion, small negative Ce anomalies, small positive La, Gd, and Y anomalies), but in some cases also strong positive Ce anomalies. Modelling of hyperbolic trends in Ce/Ce*-Pr/Pr* plots, preserved despite varying detrital admixtures, provides supporting evidence for interaction of dissolved REE + Y with marine Fe- and Mn-(oxyhydr)oxides, and quantitatively constrains the amount of detritus required to overprint Ce anomalies. The co-existence of positive and negative bulk-rock Ce anomalies, similar to those of other ca. 1.88 Ga IF, implies the presence of a shallow marine redoxcline at that time. However, the absence of any strong covariations between these Ce anomalies and (1) Mn- or Fe-enrichments, (2) Y anomalies, (3) LREE/HREE ratios, or (4) tetrad coefficients (τ) is best explained by the separation of a shallow Mn-redoxcline from a slightly deeper and more diffuse Fe-redoxcline inferred here to be controlled by cyanobacteria and photoferrotrophs, respectively.Combined plots of chemostratigraphic and TE/ΣFe vs. enrichment factors highlight variable input/scavenging of different TEs within the Sokoman IF; authigenic TE enrichment is more readily captured in deeper, suboxic to anoxic units relative to shallower, nearshore units where even low amounts of continental detritus can obscure low-magnitude, authigenic redox signatures. This approach confirms the low magnitude and limited range of authigenic enrichments in redox-sensitive and nutrient-type TEs in the Sokoman IF as being similar to those of other ca. 1.88 Ga IF localities, but reveals which depositional environments best capture specific authigenic signatures (e.g., Cr-V-U-P enrichments). Detritus-poor samples record highly fractionated Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf ratios (m/m; Nb/Ta: median 56.4, range 15.5–680; Zr/Hf: median 97.8, range 42.9–409) that exceed those observed in the modern hydrosphere, and are interpreted to reflect greater interaction of the “dissolved” load of these elements with abundant marine Fe/Mn colloids/fine-particulates. Detritus-rich samples have Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf ratios converging towards crustal values similar to those of shales within the Sokoman basin; both datasets support a model for a predominantly felsic (Archean plutonic/metamorphic rock) source.New inferences from our data on the Sokoman IF support a close link between atmosphere–ocean oxygenation and microbial ecosystems via continental weathering under an oxygen-poor atmosphere (aided locally by arid conditions). In this model, such conditions limited the terrestrial supply of redox-sensitive and nutrient-type elements (most notably P) into the ocean, largely restricting the spatial extent of primary productivity to the photic zone of coastal regions. These processes are consistent with collective evidence from other ca. 1.88 Ga IF deposits that suggest low-O2 and nutrient-limited Earth surface conditions relative to preceding time intervals in the Paleoproterozoic.
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