
Of the creatures in the world, man is the only one who thinks about what benefits him from what he does and does not think about the harm that will befall others. Literature was created by scholars to refute such an idea. In these exceptions, the Akam and Puram are divided and give us the golden life of the Sangam age. The Sangam poets who created these poems have shown their own lives as a life of noble pride. As a result of this life, in their works, they have highlighted in the literature the values of life such as effortfulness, helpfulness, selflessness, and love for life. Moreover, the Sangam literature is also a source of evidence and message for those who wish to know about the ancient Tamil civilization, linguistic excellence, cultural culture, etc. The Sangam literature is classified into Pathuppaattu and Ettutthokai. Literature, which describes the way human beings lived, can also show the way in which they should live. What is recorded in the Purananuru is not merely battlefield news. In Puram (external) thinking, the root of ethical thinking can be found to be concentrated. On the surface, which is regarded as generic, the ideas of life form the basis of morality. That is to say, society is a union of individuals. The virtues performed by individuals create the betterment of society. The morals practiced by the people in society are the morals of the society. Individual morality can be found in the Akam (family) sense and social morality in the Puram (external) sense. The ancient Tamils were heroic and virtuous. On the whole, it can be seen that purananuru is a treasure trove of history that highlights the heroic lives of the Sangam Tamils. This article highlights the ways of life of the heroic people in the Purananooru, such as war messages, life values, royal traditions, etc.

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