
The article deals with the conceptual-categorical apparatus of the theory of structur al changes in the national economy. It is established that the concept of is a spatial picture of the composition of the research object, characterizing the structure, interplacement and / or functional connections of parts of the object, relations, structure, and the like. In turn, interconnections, relationships, structure, structure ensure the preservation of the basic properties of the structure due to the influence of external and internal changes. At the level of the national economy, the concept of is a combination of interconnections, interconnections, interdependencies between individual parts of the economy, its sectors, branches, etc. Since the economy is a complex and multi-faceted system, it can be explored through a set of interacting structures through a system of multilevel and complex relationships. The study of the concept of makes it possible to state that under this notion understood: qualitative, complex, structural, long-term changes, that is, the basic feature of the shift is change; changes occur between relationships and / or proportions of elements or systems; changes are accompanied by qualitative characteristics of the system. Structural shifts represent a whole range of quantitative and / or qualitative changes in the structure of the national economy that may manifest themselves in changes in the instruments and mechanisms of national economy management, in the technological basis of production and production processes, in the system of use and distribution of resources and capital etc. It is substantiated that should be understood as qualitative, complex, structural changes in the interrelations between elements of the system of the national economy and the proportion between its elements at different levels under the influence of exogenous and endogenous factors characterized by qualitative shifts in the system.

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