
The article analyzes the understanding of the essence of «spirituality» in the Renaissance and the Enlightenment. The article contains reference to the interaction of such ideas with the pedagogical concepts, with the concepts of education. The complexity and dynamic nature of human spirituality talks about the importance of recreating its integrity and fullness of the manifestations in each historical and cultural era. So, people in different historical periods combines specific and typical features of each era, and spirituality is one of the fundamental characteristics. Accordingly, spirituality is understood under idealized and materialized historically variable expression of the spiritual nature of man. The definition implies that spirituality is inherent, on the one hand, including individual features and characteristics of their carriers, and is the subjective expression of spirituality. On the other hand, objective spirituality exists outside of individuals and finds expression in various forms of spiritual culture, objective spirituality materializes in language, in words, in works of art. The Renaissance and the Enlightenment affected the number of fundamental changes in the economic, social and spiritual life of Western Europe. Each of these cultural epochs identified features of human spirituality, creating the environment of his life. The peculiarity of the social conditions determined by the distinctive culture, type of personality, consciousness, thinking, respectively, and the essence of man, followed by spirituality, in which it finds expression. Modern paradigm is characterized by its variability, it is possible to carry the spiritual upbringing of the Renaissance, Reformation, Enlightenment. Spirituality in these formations were based on human values, without taking into account the connection between man and God. The company offered various types of spirituality, not based on the existence of objective truth. In the Renaissance, spiritual education was largely focused on the revival of ancient spiritual values, the reformation offered the Church a variant of the terrestrial landmarks of man, the Enlightenment proclaimed education as the overriding value of society. In the modern era in European culture was the replacement of the perfect method of spiritual education to the regulatory. Proposed, by the Christian, ideal of God was gradually changed by regulatory requirements of morality. Characteristic of the Christian paradigm of spiritual education was replaced by external life. It is proved that each of these cultural epochs identified features of human spirituality, creating the environment of his life.

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