This research investigated the implementation of digital crossword puzzle games to enhance students’ vocabulary mastery and to know the enhancement on students’ vocabulary mastery by using digital crossword puzzle games. This research used a quantitative approach with the type of pre-experiment one group pre-test post-test. Data collection was carried out by conducting pretest, posttest, and observation. The participants in this research were 35 students from class X5 of SMAN 3 Kota Serang. Before the treatment was carried out, students were given a pretest first then on the next day students were given treatment using a digital crossword puzzle game and at the end, students were given a posttest to determine the final score of students after being given treatment. The pretest and posttest questions used include the types of questions, which are 10 questions cloze test, 5 questions gap filling the verbs, 5 questions matching words and 10 questions gap filling test (sentences completion).The results showed that based on observations of teacher and student activities in the implementation of digital crossword puzzle games conducted by English teacher at Sman 3 Kota Serang, there are 10 aspect indicators for observation of teacher and student activity assessments, the results of the observations showed that both teacher and students have shown an improvement in the quality of learning, this can be seen from the results of observations of all indicators for teacher assessments got a good category with a percentage of 72% and 78%. While for student activity assessments got good and excellent category with percentage of 80% and 90%. In addition, the value of t count was greater than t table, namely 5.72 > 1.69, and sig 0.00 < 0.05, then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted.
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