
Whatsapp is a messaging application from facebook which many people use it. For using whatsapp, someone must have a mobile number. The mobile number will be account in whatsapp application. In addition for chat, whatsapp can be a tool for notification system. The notification system can broadcast the messages that called as Whatsapp Gateway. Whatsapp gateway can be implemented for the school notification system where the parents of students can recieve notification from school. The Whatsapp gateway developed consists of fingerprint device, sender engine, management information system, and whatsapp gateway application. When someone checked their finger through fingerprint device, the fingerprint device will captured date and time then save it. The sender engine will checked data from fingerprint as periodically and send data to whatsapp gateway application through Application Programming Interface (API). To prevent blocking from whatsapp, whatsapp gateway will checked handphone number or whatsapp account from inbox message. If the handphone number or whatsapp account was found in inbox message, whatsapp gateway application will send message as notification.

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