
Abstract. Arabic and English are subjects included in the school curriculum. The development of information technology and computers has had a very significant influence on the development of learning media. Technology can be used to support the learning and evaluation process based on the talents and interests of students so that the evaluation process which used to be frightening to follow becomes a fun evaluation and will provide satisfaction to students and ease in giving grades because the score is automatically processed without having to be in the examination and the results will immediately be visible to students after sending the answers. There are many types of technology-based media that can be used as learning evaluation tools, including; Bloket.com, Wordwall and Socrative. This school faces an issue, namely the need to increase the realization of the media as an evaluation tool. Therefore, the solution to the problem is by introducing to teachers and students about the types of technology-based media as an evaluation tool for learning foreign languages ​​and practicing the use of evaluation media directly in Arabic and English classes.

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