
This study was conducted to investigate the use of video media to improve students’ pronunciation in the second grade of a junior high school. Thus its specific objective was to find out: The effectiveness of video in teaching students pronunciation of of /ʒ/ /tʃ/ /dʒ/ /θ/ /ð/. The research method used in this study was quasi-experimental and it was conducted in one junior high school in Cikajang. The data in this study were collected by using pre-test and post-test. They were then analyzed by using the Mann-Whitney t-test to see if there is significant difference in the mean of both groups’ score and the dependent t-test to see if the use of video media significantly affects students’ pronunciation. The findings showed that use video media is effective in improving students’ score in pronunciation post-test score of experimental group, M=13.06, of control group M=7,73 the result of the dependent t-test: t(30) = - 18.351 < 0.05 with tcrit (30) = 2.042. The obtained value of tcritis proven to be greater than tcrit (-18.351 > 2.042) and this result is significant at α level 0.05. In addition, this technique is very helpful as it becomes in teaching pronunciation.

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