
At the present time, engagement in social media become one measure to assess the government performance in communication. Social media has great potential to reach its stakeholders. It has been widely adopted by the government to interact and engage stakeholders. Engagement in Twitter by the Directorate General of Taxes is one example of good implementation of open government in Indonesia. They are well received by Indonesian netizens with their informal communication style. Using the content analysis and systematic literature review method, this article can be the basis for further discussion on Twitter's use by the Directorate General of Taxes in the implementation of open governance, as well as its relation to technological changes in public organizations. The development of Information Technology encourages the digitization of government documents and can increase government openness. The use of social media in government is accompanied by hopes for innovation of online interaction between government and its stakeholders. Mergel divide four major strategies in using Twitter: (1) Push ; (2) Pull; (3) Networking; and (4) Customer Service. The Directorate General of Taxes try to encouraging public interaction and participation by using Pull strategy on @DitjenPajakRI account and the Customer Service strategy on @kring_pajak account. However, this strategy is an option and not necessarily suitable for all institutions because each government agency has its own goals and objectives

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